BearHntr's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 1909
Age 62
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 161 lb
  (73 kg)
Sexually is versatile
oral versatile
Partnered yes
City Houston, Clear Lake, Webster
Zip / postal 77062
State Texas
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
Prefer men aged from 65 to 90

Profile text:

Married to a wonderful man that I met online over 30 years ago (I'm 62 and he's 81). We've been married twice. Once as "domestic partners" in Maui, Hawaii on July 3, 2003. Then legally married in Houston, Harris County, on November 13, 2018.

I'm drawn to gray/white/naturally bald hair (just look at my husband... ;-), but I happen to love the fur all over or polar fleece...Polar Bears.

I do enjoy the outdoors: camping, fishing, hunting (upland birds). I love to travel: my favorites are trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific cruises. Otherwise, almost all destinations across the globe are of interest to me. I enjoy learning about other cultures, languages and just meeting people around the world. I also enjoy wood working and restoring briar pipes. Pipe smoking is only an occasional thing, but most enjoyed while sailing on a Cunard ship (Churchill's Cigar Lounge...only for pipes and cigars (no cigarettes allowed)).

You can find mean people in every country, but you can also find good people in every country.

By the way, we're both fully vaccinated, boosted, then boosted again. After the true science caught up to the politics, we regret the shots, even though some were required for our travels,

-----///\\----- Leukemia
---///---\\\--- ...took my best friend...
--|||-----|||-- ...we were 8 years old.
--|||-----|||-- Breast Cancer
--|||-----|||-- ...took my favorite cousin...
--\\\----///--- ...she was 61 years old.
----\\\-///---- COVID took my sister-in-law..........
----///--\\\---- We all experience loss, but
--///------\\\-- WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT, before it happens?

Sorry to sound "preachy", but if there is something I feel passionate about, I will raise my voice and make it known to anyone willing to listen.

P.S. I truly hope that one of our US based pharmaceutical companies comes up with a drug to cure T.D.S.

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