🐷repackboi🐷's profile - supporters can see gallery and video

Profile ID: 2730935
Age 28
Weight 165 lb
  (75 kg)
Sexually is bottom
oral versatile
City Raleigh
Zip / postal 27612
State North Carolina
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

Tele, Gram = @repackboi
ryannoney at ya who dot com
A hot read: https://shorturl.at/cQXY0

Very oral, love to suck cock, esp uncut, balls, asshole.

i get off doing stuff to or having stuff done to me that gets other men off. stuff they wouldn't do themselves but like seeing a boy like me do for their pleasure.

I like to have my ass stretched out until it's gaping, use a speculum to hold it open if necessary. I put my rim seat up on blocks, get under it and put my ass up to the opening. That way you can put your full weight on the seat and our holes will be connected, very comfortable for us both. You sit on my ass, hole to hole and shit a turd into my gaping hole while you piss down into my open mouth. after you're done shitting i like to plug my hole and let it cook inside for a while, I've kept another man's shit in me overnight before.

Looking for a gay dad/men who will let me be the pig I need to be and help me expand my limits. I need a strict/dominate/alpha male who knows how to take a young pig lower and to do whatever it takes to get other men off yet does so in a compassionate and caring way, knowing that it's what is good for me.

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